Wednesday 22 August 2007

The Rangers in Baxter Park

The funding for the Urban Rangers is finished. After spending £4.25million pounds on the restoration of the Park should Dundee City Council provide the funds to keep the presence of the Rangers in the Park? Over the years the Rangers have built up a rapport with the community, set up and organised various events, worked with our young people in the schools teaching them to respect the environment and the park and worked with older people on projects such as the mossiac in front of the Park Centre. It is sad and indeed shameful that there is no more funding for a service that has been for the whole community and I would like to pay tribute and thanks to the Rangers for all the work they have put into Baxter Park and indeed the community of Stobswell.

If you have any comments and or suggestions how we can find the funding to retain this service please post them on this sight.

1 comment:

Will Dawson & Christina Roberts said...

Hi liz just leaving you a test message. You can moderate comments if need be